Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tummy Time...

Well, Fletcher is out of town for work, so last night was my first night alone with Bennett. I'll have to admit, I was a little nervous about how it would all go down. I'm proud to say we both survived. We fell asleep after watching all the crazy people audition on American Idol (I'm embarrassed that I'm exposing my first-born to such nonsense, but I can't help it). Bennett is a late-night eater like his mommy. Once the clock strikes midnight, he's ready to eat. Lucky for me, he seems to like his crib and will entertain himself until he drifts off to sleep once I put him down. Today I have a doctor's appt, so we'll see how he does there. I'm praying he naps...please let him nap. I don't want to be that lady with the screaming baby....not yet anyway. I know my time is coming. Here's a picture from last weekend's visit with Pappa and Grammy (my dad and stepmom). This is Bennett having "tummy-time". I need to take this in to the nurse to prove that we really are doing our tummy time.

Monday, January 29, 2007

It's Monday afternoon and our beloved Bennett is having tummy time while I watch in adoration. This little bundle of joy steals my heart with every blink, burp, hiccup, etc. I can sit and watch him for hours on end. He's growing and changing each and every day and I'm so blessed to get to be here to witness it. Bennett went for his month checkup on Friday where he weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs. 4 oz and 22 in. about a growing boy. We were thrilled! Next appt will be for the infamous "shots", so we're not looking forward to that one. His little tooth has all the nurses in awe and that full head of hair and long eyelashes makes his quite the looker. Can you tell I'm a proud mama?!