Ooooh, it's the Cookie Monster
Bennett's 1st Jack (Mule) in the Box

Merry Christmas from The Tidwell's!

Fletcher, Bennett and I left on the 21st to spend Christmas in Texas. It was the first time in 3 years that the Texas crew were all getting together for the holidays, so it was a wonderful time of getting to hang out with the family, eat good food (Mom's infamous biscuits and gravy), and catch up on old times. Fletcher hadn't met a lot of my extended family and I felt so proud to get to finally introduce him to my mother's side, my dad's side, and my step-dad's family. Poor guy....I'll give him a quiz on names and faces in a few days. My dad and step mom, Deb, drove in from the panhandle to see us. Thanks Papa and Grammy for make that long haul! I know Bennett was (and , of course, so were we) so glad to get see you both on his birthday and Christmas Eve. My brother and his wife, Brooke, along with my sister, Jade, were all staying in Bonham, so we had late nights of playing air hockey, games of pool, and telling stories on each other. Our first stop in Texas was my best friend, Roxie's, to visit her babies. Bennett's first girlfriend is Ms. Micah James.....hope that's OK with her daddy 'cause Bennett stole kisses and hugs from the get go. Isn't she a beauty! I have a ton of pics to post from our trip, so I apologize if it gets a little monotonous!
Hope your Christmas found you surrounded by those you love the most!