Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Saturdays are the best days. Fletcher is off work and we can hang out as a family. Bennett loves it too because he gets to help his daddy with stuff around the house. I'm a little behind in posting, so these were actually taken on the 17th. Bennett helped Fletcher work in the flower beds, they did a little raking, and then played in the yard.
St. Simon's

We got home from Texas and unpacked to repack for our trip to St. Simon's. Our friend, Robyn, invited Bennett and I to join her family at the beach this past week. Never to be one to turn down time at the beach, we happily repacked our bags and headed out. Conveniently, it overlapped with Fletcher's trip to New York for Fleet Week. After an adventurous trip down (I'd say a 6 hour road trip with 3 kids under 3 is adventurous), we arrived. Bennett and AnnaKate had a ball playing in the ocean. We chased birds, dug in the sand, and ate delicious food. AnnaKate taught Bennett a few words...."nana" for banana and "tuck" for truck and Bennett taught her how a loon sounds. :)
Thank you to Robyn, AnnaKate, and Millie for letting us join in on your beach trip!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Leaving DFW Heading to GA

Just caught a few pics of Bennett showing Fletcher all the airplanes while we waited for our flight. I love both my boys!
Happy Mother's Day!

It was a special Mother's Day for me because I got to spend it with my mother. We had a relaxing day in Bonham and celebrated over a late lunch at Brio's. Jade had gotten off work and was able to meet up with us for one last hug before we caught a flight back to Atlanta.
Thanks Nina and Pa for taking such great care of us this week. We miss you already!
Playing in the Treehouse

I think the only time Bennett spent indoors while in Texas was when he was sleeping. The rest of the time he was running around outside. It is great because Nina and Pa have a big fenced in yard, so he's free to go wherever he wants. He loved climbing up in the treehouse and sliding down. Pa fixed the ladder where Bennett could climb it by himself. He was so proud of himself making it to the top (even though we were right beside him).
Our First Happy Meal

We don't frequent McDonald's or any other fast food place for that matter, but while in Texas one night I ran through McDonald's and grabbed Bennett a happy meal. He's been so insistant on feeding himself that we thought we'd just let him try it and see how it goes. Of course, he loved it. I think he ate more in that one sitting than the whole time we were there. And he's drinking out of the gigantic mug b/c that's what he saw everyone else doing. His sippy cup just wasn't as cool as the huge mug, I guess. Anyway, I gave in and there he went. More ended up on him than in his mouth, but the little guy was happy. I always thought the saying was "If Momma ain't happy....", but I think it really says "If Bennett ain't happy, ain't nobody happy".
Dancing in the Rain

Mom made me an appointment to get a facial from my favorite "face lady" while I was in town visiting. When I got home, I found Bennett having the best time playing in the rain. He loved it. We got so tickled watching him go back and forth right where the water was dropping off the roof.
Our Week in Texas

Fletcher had a work conference in Fort Worth this past week, so Bennett and I got to tag along and visit Nina and Pa. We were there Sunday to Sunday, so we got to have an extra special Mother's Day with my mom. When we arrived on Sunday, Nina and Pa met us at the airport where Bennett and I headed to Bonham and Fletcher headed to Ft. Worth. We spent the week relaxing and playing outside. Bennett's favorite passtime in B-town is riding his new tricycle Pa got him. His feet aren't quite long enough to reach the peddles, but that didn't seem to slow him down. Aunt Jade was so sweet to follow Bennett up and down the driveway while he played. Those two are great buddies. I've got lots of pics to post, so bear with me.
Go Braves

About 3 weeks ago, Fletcher's baby sister came to visit us. We had a wonderful time with Aunt Stephanie! Fletcher and I had already gotten a sitter for Friday night, so we all went out on the town. Saturday morning we did a little shopping and lunch at Gabriel's. Saturday afternoon, we took Bennett to his first Braves game. Bennett had a blast playing with Aunt Stephie and we can't wait for her to come back and visit.
Meal Time at The Tidwell's

I've been told how fickle toddler eaters can be and we're now experiencing it first-hand. Bennett insists on feeding himself and although that is a wonderful step in the right direction.....many of you mothers can relate that it is often not the most convenient way to go about it. We don't have time to bath after every meal nor do I have a cleaning crew waiting to clean the floors (and sometimes the walls). I'm trying to keep my OCD under control and just let him do his thing. Here is a picture of Bennett feeding himself yogurt. We're compromising....I'll do the first course and Bennett can do the rest. :)
Happy Mother's Day!

Let's first start out with acknowledging that it has been forever since I've posted. My camera broke and Fletcher's won't let me load the pics to my computer. Needless to say, I don't get to Walgreens as often as I'd like. BUT my wonderful husband got me a new camera for mother's day and I can't wait to start using it. I've got some catching up to do. A couple of weeks ago, my stepmom did a lesson on Flat Stanley in her 3rd grade class. One of her students didn't have anyone to send Stanley too, so he mailed him to us. Bennett and I took him to the park, planted flowers with him and took him to the circus. Although it was fun, we were glad to send Flat Stanley back to his owner.
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