Monday, August 9, 2010

1st Day of Preschool

Today was Bennett and Beau's 1st day of preschool here. There were mixed emotions, but we had a great morning leading up to the drop off. They had a good night's rest and woke up excited. After waffles and milk and some lego-time, we were ready to go. All was well until the actual drop off when Bennett decided school was not a good idea. Broke my heart, but after waiting and watching the camera of his classroom from the director's office, it was evident he was good to go. Beau, on the other hand, practically lept from my arms to play with the other kids. Their teachers were Japanese, very sweet, but very structured. If you know Bennett and Beau, a little structure is a good thing. When I picked them up, both were all smiles and said they wanted to go back. Check out the school....the website is:

1 comment:

Callie said...

Its looks so fun! Swimming and hourseback riding...I want to go there too! And so clean, I bet you could eat off the floor! I'm glad Bennett had a good day.