Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Brough's Visit from England

Fletcher's cousins, Peter, Lindsay and Megan flew into Nashville from England last week to visit Bampa. After spending a week in Nashville, they came to Atlanta to spend the weekend with us. We were excited about getting to show them around Marietta and Bennett couldn't wait to see Ms. Megan again. They arrived Friday evening after spending a few extra hours in traffic. Who knew Dick Cheney was going to the Chickamauga Battlefield that day?! When they finally made it here Friday night we had burgers and let the kiddos run in circles. Saturday we took them to see the helicopters Fletcher flies, had a picnic in the park, enjoyed pizza and ice cream on the square, and finished the night with a friendly game of poker after the kids were asleep. Sunday we visited Olympic park and let Megan and Bennett play in the fountain. The kids were soaked, but happy! Well worth the extra change of clothes. Poor Megan didn't have an extra set, so she was "rudy" aka naked for the ride home....I love their lingo! It was a great visit and we're looking forward to seeing them again soon!

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