Thursday, February 23, 2012

I See Necks!

The last professional haircuts the boys had was the weekend of Thanksgiving. I trim them up here and there, but not up to Fletcher's standards. I love my boys with longer hair....not too long, but a little covering their ears doesn't bother me. Actually, Beau's long blonde locks keep him looking like my baby a little longer. Since it had been a while, we decided it was time to get a haircut, so we tried this place out in town we had heard about. It's known for being "kid friendly" and that it was. This was the longest I have ever seen Beau sit still and I think the Japanese version of Dumbo helped. Kid friendly it was, but English friendly, not so much. We communicated strictly through head nods and that was it. They spoke no English and all I could say was "good afternoon" and "thank you" time I'll go in with more haircut terminology. Either way, they gave great cuts.....very short, but well-done. When Fletcher saw the end results, it was like Christmas in his world. I snapped a few pics of the haircuts in process and the shampoos afterwards (which I thought was interesting).

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