Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day 2012

I personally have been blessed with an amazing daddy, stepfather, and father in-law.  Pretty lucky girl!  To top it off, I married an awesome daddy as well.  Fletcher adores our boys and they adore him back.  I enjoy watching it all unfold as do those around us.  The boys couldn't wait to spoil their hero on Father's Day and it started with breakfast in bed.  After church, we went to see Madagascar 3 and then onto the Torii Pool to burn off some energy.  We knew we had a typhoon heading our way, so we wanted to soak up as much outdoor play as we could.  On a side note, while the boys had some bonding time I got to play in a doubles tennis tournament with my friend, Yoshiko.....and we got 2nd!  The boys couldn't believe Momma brought home a bigger trophy than theirs.:)

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