Monday, July 16, 2007

We're Moving!

We're moving homes at the end of the month. It's not ideal timing, but I think it's going to work out for the best. We're moving from East Cobb to West Cobb to an adorable home. I'm really excited about the new house, but it's the packing and getting into the home that's no fun. We're actually all packed now and just awaiting moving day....coming soon! Bennett has been such a great little helper! He can't help with the packing obviously, but he's great about keeping himself entertained in the exer-saucer, the johnny jumper and even rolling into a few boxes here and there. This was a picture from this morning as I was packing up the last of our things.

1 comment:

Chesley said...

I am right with you on the moving thing. I am blessed as well to have a child that will entertain himself while I pack. It is a lot of work getting ready to move. My parents did it several times when we were young and I don't remember it being so much work.
Good luck with the rest of your move.