Thursday, August 2, 2007

It's Official! New Address!!

This past week has been a crazy one. We have officially completed our move and I have to feels good to be done. CeCe and Pops came down on Friday to help us with Bennett. They ended up doing everything under the sun. Poor Pops! I hope he's not too sore for his golf games this week. CeCe had Bennett and he was in high heaven getting to play play play!

Thank you CeCe and Pops for all of your help! We couldn't have done it without you!


Taylor and Ryan said...

Your home is BEAUTIFUL....and what a gorgeous area! Congratulations!

Jason and Kyla said...

What a beautiful place!! What we Texans wouldn't give for some of those beautiful trees! I can almost feel the shade just looking at the picture. : )What a perfect place to raise a family!

Chesley said...

I love it!!! I am so glad you posted a picture of your new house! It is beautiful! I would love some trees like that at our new house. It has got to be a great feeling to be settled or at least know where you are going to be. I can't wait to be in our new house for good.

Susan said...

Congrats on the new house!!! I enjoy seeing what Bennett is up to, knowing Maddie is just 9 days younger. Have fun in the new place.