Saturday, November 15, 2008

Watching Movies

I'm thrilled to say we're finally at the point when Bennett will sit down and watch a movie. He doesn't watch a ton of TV, but once he was introduced to The Polar Express he was hooked. He wakes up asking to watch it and we've since added in The Bee Movie and Barnyard (for Mom's sanity). I can only watch a movie so many times. Fletcher entertained Bennett this afternoon so I could get some rest. When I woke up, I found them both watching. Not sure who likes these movies or him.

1 comment:

Chesley said...

I just pulled out Polar Express and that has been the movie Garrett has wanted to watch a lot. Bee Movie was his first and only to this point Movie Theater movie. I love movies and the peace they give you. B looks so cute in his chair. Garrett has the same one.
I thought about Bennett today as I was driving home. We have a train track close by and there is part of train that sits off to the side. I guess they don't use it. I pictured Bennett in his little train outfit that he seems to love posing for a picture.
I know, I know so random but sometimes I can't control this brain I have. :)