Saturday, March 5, 2011

Okinawa Zoo

We braved the zoo today! I had read the blogs, therefore, the bar for the zoo here was set pretty low I have to say. It appeared the highlight may be a raccoon, BUT that wasn't going to stop us. I'm glad we decided to check it out for ourselves because it was great. It helps to remind yourself that you're on an island and not in San Diego (again with setting the bar pretty low). I have never been so close to a tiger in all my life or an elephant. The safety regulations would never fly in the States. Beau could seriously climb through the gate to hang with the alligators, but I've come to the conclusion that Japanese kids follow the rules on the posted signs. Bennett loved the petting zoo (I had to relinquish my germ obsession for a moment) and Beau is a little more like his momma.....we love animals.....behind gates. Anything that poops on the floor and licks its rear end I prefer to keep at a distance. Even so, the Okinawa Zoo will now be on our list of frequents for family day events. :)

P.S. I loved that the train was called Tex'as. Not sure when Texas got an apostrophe, but I'll take it.

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